About the Author

Executive Producer
Co-Founder of KYTI
Short Bio:
Gene Sloan is a self-motivated searcher of Truth that has spent over 50 years studying and examining the Spiritual Laws inherent in a wide range of religious and spiritual teachings and practices. His passion to know the Truth and to learn, grow, and change from it, has propelled him to a depth of understanding that is uniquely broad, deep, and true — not only for his own personal and spiritual growth — but also to understand and resolve a lifelong perplexing question, “Why are people often so dysfunctional, mentally ill, unable to love others, or themselves?” His quest for Truth and his love for his son, Paul, has brought forth this wealth of stories-letters, insights, wisdom, and Truth, that is the culmination of a lifetime of searching.
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Living Luminaries:
On the Serious Business of Happiness
A 2007 docudrama film which featured one-of-a-kind interviews with Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Mathew Kelly, Marriane Williamson, and many others.
Long Bio:
Gene Sloan was born in San Mateo, California on January 9th, 1949. He graduated from Calistoga High School in 1967 and was immediately employed by Fairchild Semiconductor in Silicon Valley, in their computer division as a computer technician. At that time, Fairchild was one of the top computer companies. Gene was able to obtain this job immediately out of high school because at age 15 he had started taking home study courses in electronics. At a very early age he was fascinated with the invisible powers of electricity and radio waves. His first career in electronics did not last long, as he soon married his first wife, Cynthia, in 1968. They divorced 23 years later after raising 3 beautiful children. From a very early age Gene had a great inquisitiveness and fascination for how things work, not just with electronics, but with many things. He enjoyed exploring and repairing things mainly to understand their operations and how they work. This included not just physical things such as electronics, photography, and mechanical things, but to understand the inner workings of the Spiritual Laws that govern the Universe, and life itself. At age 21, he embarked on his lifelong journey to study and examine a wide range of religious and spiritual teachings and practices; in search of Truth and to find answers to his questions. As the years passed, he soon learned that humans have laws, beliefs, or powers that they operate from too. Understanding and implementing these Spiritual Laws to learn, grow, and change, became his primary focus in life, particularly after his first marriage. The adversity of his first marriage and his divorce inspired him to look much deeper into the operating mechanisms of the human mind and condition.
Another one of Gene’s life goals, from his late teens until he was close to 40 years old, was to work hard, often 12-16 hours a day, not only to provide a good lifestyle for his family, but also so he could retire early, which he did. He bought his first investment property when he was 19. He worked as a respiratory therapist for 12 years while building his own house. Later he became a successful real estate broker for many years with his own real estate office in Santa Rosa. He worked hard and long early in his life because he wanted the freedom and time later in his life to be able to think about what “he wanted to think about,” and because he knew there were other things that were more important to him than money-making alone.
Since his divorce and since remarrying his current wife, Arlene, 31 years ago, Gene’s quest for Truth has led him to much greater freedom and time — not only for his own personal and spiritual growth — but also to understand and resolve his lifelong perplexing question, “Why are people often so dysfunctional, mentally ill, unable to love others, or themselves?” In the process of exploring spiritual teachings and practices, Gene and his current wife, Arlene, came to deeply appreciate some of the teachings of other authors, such as Eckhart Tolle, The Power of NOW, Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, and others. As a result, Gene became the executive producer who funded the 2007 docudrama film titled, Living Luminaries: On the Serious Business of Happiness, which featured one-of-a-kind interviews with Eckhart Tolle, Don Miguel Ruiz, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Mathew Kelly, Marriane Williamson, and many others. This film project was part of Gene’s passion to know and appreciate the value of spiritual truth.
His estrangement with his son Paul, and the unresolved problems from his first marriage inspired him to write these short stories and book. They are the result of decades of investigations and research. They are intended to not only help his son Paul, but also to help you understand and “Know Your True Identity,” and heal your emotional wounds. It is also his desire and aspiration that they help you make sense of why we are here, and what the purpose is of being on this beautiful planet we call Earth!
Gene is currently joyfully retired with his wife Arlene in the Southwest, where he loves to write stories.
About KYTI

Co-Founder of KYTI
Executive Producer
Introducing KYTI
KYTI (Ky-Ty), is an acronym for the concept and book title, Know Your True Identity. KYTI, or KYTI Books, is also the name of an organization founded by Gene Sloan, and his wife and editor, Arlene Sloan, for the purpose of getting the Know Your True Identity books, stories, and related materials and works, such as workshops, workbooks, subsequent books, TV series/film, etc. out to the world in the most efficient & broadest way possible. And to as many people and countries as possible. It is an organization to help disseminate and educate people to the insights, truth, wisdom, and concepts in the KYTI book and materials, whether it is through books, workshops, coaching, consulting, courses, events, film, etc.
The author, Gene Sloan, is fully retired, and does not do talks, workshops, interviews, consulting, or events. Yet he continues to write books and stories. However, there are others that will be trained as KYTI Core Leaders by the author and editor that will be available to give workshops, interviews, consulting, presentations, etc. of the material in his book and stories.

Co-Founder of KYTI
Our KYTI Vision
It is our vision and intention that everyone involved with this KYTI book and KYTI projects knows the value and importance of this material and wisdom to the world. And that they intend and are deeply committed to make the Know Your True Identity book, and related materials and works, and the concepts from its’ stories, as widely distributed and understood by as many people as possible, for the highest growth and good of all. We intend that the book can and will blossom into other KYTI books, workshops, coaching, consulting, courses, classes, and possible TV series/films, etc.
We intend that everyone involved with us regarding these endeavors reads and understands the KYTI book and its’ insights, and actively seeks to know and live from their “True Identity”. It is essential that any contributor to the KYTI projects or creative endeavors, and anyone making TV interviews to promote it, deeply understands the material, and lives from their “True Identity”.
We intend that all decisions and actions by everyone involved in these KTYI endeavors are Divinely Guided. That means that everyone seeks to make decisions and actions that are for the best and highest good of all involved, and not for the sole benefit of a single person or just a group of people. By operating from their “True Identity”, as Soul, they are naturally open to Divine Guidance and to making decisions that are best for all involved. This includes that everyone involved in these endeavors finds and does what brings them their highest joy with what they choose to do to market, promote, or disseminate concepts related to the book and materials.
KYTI Mission Statement
We are deeply committed to make the Know Your True Identity book, and related materials and works, and the concepts from its’ stories, as widely distributed and understood by as many people as possible, for the highest growth and good of all.
- We know and operate from our “True Identity.”
- We love and respect each other, treat each other as equals, and help each other grow in a manner we each choose.
- All decisions and actions are Divinely Guided. That means that we seek to make decisions and actions that are for the best and highest good of all involved.
- If anyone has issues with another, they seek to first face their fears, find, and heal their emotional wounds, own their mistakes, and learn, grow, and change from them, without judging themselves or others, before they seek to confront another, or find fault in them.
- All mistakes are always seen as a steppingstone to become a better version of oneself; whether in oneself, or another person. Therefore, there is no need for any lasting shame, blame, guilt, judgment, or lingering beliefs that “I am not good enough,” “someone else is not good enough,” nor any resentment.
- There is no need for competition, or to prove to each other we are “superior,” “better than” others, or “good”. We are here to see each other as equals.
- Like a healthy immune system, we do not allow any negative or self-centered people in our circle or “village.” (We will not be an accomplice to anyone.) This means we all seek to not allow any takers, deceivers, manipulators, or controllers, anyone seeking to be “superior,” “win,” “be right,” or who has wounds or self-worth issues with either of us, or others, in any of these ventures. We also seek to not allow the “poor-me” types in either. (If someone has issues, they need to clear it immediately, or leave. They can easily see what their fears and wounds are and heal it.)
- We seek to create ideal situations to work in harmony with others on these ventures, to collaborate, and to protect the company and all involved from jealousy, envy, competition, negativity, manipulation, deceit, control, etc. We do this first by choosing to be aware of all wounded actions from others and ourselves, and we are proactive in seeking to resolve them, or, if need be, remove them.
- We are here to empower each other and ourselves.
- We seek to find and do what brings us our highest joy in these endeavors, and we assist others in finding and obtaining their highest joy, without fear of personal loss or lack.
Our KYTI Operating Principles
There is a paradox to all of these operating principles and concepts, depending on your vantage point. From Soul, they are all very possible, easy, natural, and empowering. But from ego, they can appear impossible and unrealistic, because ego wants to stay in control of us and others, such as by winning, controlling, proving our superiority, or inadequacies through judging others or ourselves. Ego seeks a pecking order and wants to either climb to the top or descend to the bottom. Ego can’t fathom many of these principles because it believes that it is either “better than” or “less than” others. To embrace these principals and concepts easily, you have to start by shifting your awareness from ego to Soul. The fastest way to do that is by “Knowing Your True Identity”. Ego will try to convince you “that will be a loss”, because ego’s main joy is to feel superior to others. As long as we are human, and on this planet, we will always feel the pull of ego-based thoughts and beliefs. The goal though, is to prove you prefer the love, joy, Truth, and benefits of operating from your “True Identity”. When you do so, you will be far more happy, creative, free, unlimited, peaceful, powerful, and prosperous, because ego will start operating more in the background, than in the forefront. And your Soul will be able to guide you.


Co-Founder of KYTI
Short Bio:
Arlene Sloan has been innately aware, since a very young age, of the limitless freedom, joy, and oneness that is possible in life. As a result, she began her search for spiritual enlightenment and Truth, as a teenager, over 50 years ago. She was also keenly aware that the human condition and consciousness is extremely limited, dysfunctional, and fraught with mine-fields of distractions, negative beliefs and thinking. She saw in others, and herself, the insanity of the human condition, and yearned for the freedom, peace, and joy of Soul awareness. This drove her onward to search for Truth, wisdom, and healing of her emotional wounds in her quest for personal and spiritual growth over the course of a lifetime studying a wide range of spiritual, religious, and philosophical teachings, practices, and traditions.
Message from the Editor
The material and wisdom in this book is remarkable, extraordinary, and unprecedented. It is also uniquely valuable and important to the world. There are already numerous demonstrations of it resulting in miraculous results. The world is ready for this. And the world needs this. People need this wisdom now to be able to face the intense challenges of our times. Without it, people will continue to suffer through the increasing chaos, lack, and loss with more dysfunctional egos trying to heal their wounds through judging others, judging themselves, and trying to control others, prove they are better than, superior, etc. Instead, if people embrace knowing their “True Identity,” people can benefit by having a clear charted course to navigate their journey of healing their wounds that is wholesome, self-supportive, and sustainable, far quicker, more effectively, and with far less pain and loss. The concepts in this book are extremely valuable and important to the world today. We owe it to ourselves to apply these concepts in our lives, and to share it with others, so they can benefit too.
Long Bio:
Arlene Sloan was born on September 10th, 1955, and raised in Los Altos Hills, California (Silicon Valley). She became enthralled with horses since she was 5 years old, drew pictures of horses, played horses, and started riding horses at 8 years old. Because of her young age, she was challenged repeatedly by the difficulties of learning how to merge rider and horse in a seamless union where both move in unison, particularly when the horse is headstrong, stubborn, or frightened. She had many falls and heartbreak. But despite the risks, her passion for freedom, joy, and oneness, combined with determination to master this, spurred her onward to keep getting back up in the saddle, no matter what the bruises or hurts were, and try again. She became a very accomplished equestrian over 12 years of horse ownership, which taught her much; how to seamlessly work together as a team, the discipline of taking care of the horse, and the ability to be one with another.
At age 17, Arlene began her quest for spiritual enlightenment and Truth, and her lifelong study in a wide range of spiritual, religious, and philosophical teachings, practices, and traditions. She also concurrently attended college to become an architect. She graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in architecture in 1977, and 1982, where she specialized in learning to create buildings that evoke a deep sense of joy, oneness, and connection with the Divine. She has been a licensed architect for almost 40 years, had her own architecture office in Santa Rosa, California, and Sandpoint, Idaho, for many years. She specialized in creating buildings that evoke a sense of joy and delight, in both commercial & residential architecture.
Since her marriage to Gene, 31 years ago, Arlene’s search for spiritual enlightenment, Truth, and personal and spiritual growth, has been dramatically accelerated. With both marriage partners in alignment with mutually compatible interests, values, and goals, the benefits have been overwhelmingly positive. They have both helped each other grow, and been support to each other, to uncover countless fears, negative beliefs, thinking, judgments, and emotional wounds — and heal them. Much of their marriage has been focused on the sometimes painstakingly slow task of uncovering, owning, learning, growing, and changing from these fears, negative beliefs, thoughts, judgments, wounds, mistakes, etc. This long, but worthwhile journey, in personal and spiritual growth in search of liberation from the constraints of ego, has been the impetus to find ways to radically accelerate the process of learning, growing, and changing – and healing. Arlene attributes a great deal of her success to Gene, who has been extremely insightful to help her uncover her hidden fears, negative beliefs, thinking, judgments and wounds — to provide a loving light of Truth to follow out of the seeming depths of darkness — and has gifted Arlene a deep understanding of the art of communication. Arlene’s passion for freedom, joy, and oneness with another soul has long been fulfilled in her marriage with Gene, where they both know and trust that they are only there to help empower each other and help each other grow in a manner that they each choose.
In 2002, Arlene and Gene studied communication and conflict resolution together for a year at Sonoma State University, California. Arlene and Gene also both became Science of Mind licensed Practitioners after completing 3 years of in-depth consciousness studies in 2007 and 2006. This expanded their tool set for in-depth self-discovery, self-reflection, and self-excavation, finding and healing emotional wounds, and affirmative prayer.
The frequent, sometimes serious, and almost fatal falls from her headstrong horse between the ages of 9-11 and her unending passion to succeed as a rider developed her inner strength, courage, resiliency, and stamina to not give up, but to prevail in her intense desire to master her dream of freedom, joy, and oneness with her horse. This taught her many things early in life that have been part of her own journey of awakening and healing her own emotional egoic wounds, finding and facing her fears, negative beliefs, thoughts, and judgments about herself, others, and life. She learned to master oneness between horse and rider, similar to how as Soul, we need to master oneness with our ego, so that we can guide our human minds, intellect, egos, and actions in what is best for us and others.
As a child, and to this day, Arlene has celebrated her time in nature, to sit in quietude in a meadow, and experience the freedom, joy, and oneness with all of life amidst tall oats dancing gently in the breeze all around her, or by the side of a creek of clear running water. She has always found solstice in nature, and with her horses, which she loves to this day. Her passion for freedom, joy, and oneness has never faded — but is an eternal guiding light to her — to where Truth lies.
About Gene and Arlene
Gene and Arlene have both enjoyed writing on different subjects for over 30 years. During this time they have been sounding boards for each other on countless insights, speculations, and visions of what is possible, and they have also provided valuable input and editing on each other’s writings. They each have an innate ability to understand each other, and yet they also have diverse insights and perspectives from which they see and understand concepts. This ability to share common ground in understanding, combined with a diverse perspective, allows them both to bring forth new concepts, insights, truth, wisdom, and understanding — to write better together — and to develop concepts from it fearlessly. This is possible because over the years, Gene and Arlene have developed a deep level of trust that they are here to empower each other, no matter what the difference of opinion or criticism. This level of trust is possible because they are both committed to “Know Your True Identity”, to face their fears, find and heal their emotional wounds, own their mistakes, and learn, grow, and change from them. This commitment to help each other grow the most in a manner that they each choose, combined with their joint commitment to constantly create a better version of themselves creates safe space where they can bring forth ideas, insights, wisdom, and truth, and quickly kick the tires to test the concepts, and learn, grow, and change by implementing it, without competition. For these reasons, Gene and Arlene write better with each other. Like horse and rider seamlessly floating over jumps in an obstacle course in oneness and trust — they write better with each other, than without. They see each other as equals, and are open to Divine Guidance flowing through each other, without needing to be right, win, prove their intelligence, superiority, or to compete. It is a major reason why they choose to stay writing and focus on bringing in new content for KYTI instead of going out in the world to present the books and material themselves. This gives them freedom and time to focus without distractions, to go into Stillness, and bring forth Divine Guidance on writing.
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From Author to KYTI Core Leaders
I believe my time and talents are best spent continuing to write more stories, books, content, and educational curriculum related to the Know Your True Identity stories, which requires me to spend considerable time in Stillness, free from distractions. Arlene and I intend that my book(s), and any of Arlene’s future books, are extremely successfully marketed and promoted by others without either of us needing to make public appearances. Instead, Arlene and I will train the trainers in the material, not the public. We will make ourselves available to train those that are the most interested in learning it, capable, qualified, and available to give workshops, classes, presentations, interviews, etc. that are interested in becoming a certified KYTI teacher or presenter of the material. And these KYTI Core Leaders spearhead training and teaching others. This could involve one or more persons becoming the key presenter/public speaker/spokesperson(s) for KYTI for events, interviews, such as with journalists, TV and radio, workshops, consulting on films, etc. Instead of me, or Arlene, marketing or promoting the book, etc. in person, “they” become the voice to the world that markets and promotes it. We intend that my books and other materials are fully successful, and even more successful, because of this.
I wrote in Story #2 of Know Your True Identity, “I want to sit with leaders who are making others leaders, not with people who desire to create or find followers so they can “attempt” to heal their wounds.” Arlene and I are not interested in obtaining followers. We intend to make others KYTI Core Leaders in these ventures, that become the KYTI face and voice to the world. They in turn can make other leaders too. Thus, we all empower each other, as equals, with Truth, wisdom, insights, and freedom.
I believe my highest skills are in writing short stories, going into Stillness, finding and distilling truth, putting it in writing, and in visioning and initiating projects. This, I believe, is the best use of my talents and time — and is my highest joy. What is your highest joy?
If you resonate with this KYTI material, you see the value and benefits, and you want to learn more and teach it, or present it, sign up for our KYTI Release Date & News for future announcements about opportunities to become a certified KYTI Core Leader. We are looking for people who are capable of deeply understanding the concepts, wisdom, and insights in these stories, are potentially aligned with these intentions and have the talent, qualifications, capacities, and motivation to effectively communicate its’ value and importance to others and the world.
Gene Sloan