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The Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon can be a small analogy for the vastness of your “True Identity” — Soul. Your “True Identity” is Awareness, and it is infinitely large, powerful, and beautiful. Our earthly training, which is mostly to survive here, has caused many of us to forget or neglect who we truly are. We are all unlimited in what we can know, love, do, be, have and create.
My book and stories are intended to help you tap into the benefits of “Knowing Your True Identity”. The benefits are truly unlimited and include liberation from your emotional wounds and self-limits — and the ability to enjoy being personally sovereign. For most of us, it is best to first use our Soul to heal and remove our emotional wounds. These wounds create undesirable beliefs and thinking patterns that result in unwanted or negative life experiences. They can greatly limit us and force us to focus on the opposite of who we really are. These negative beliefs and thinking patterns are usually hidden, sometimes addicting, and often habitual in nature, so they often go undetected, or they are accepted as normal. By “Knowing Your True Identity”, they are easier to find and heal. Those around us also may inadvertently help to make them seem normal and acceptable. Choose to know what they are – and you will. It is then an easy process to heal and remove them. Your unlimited abilities will then manifest very rapidly. My book of stories is intended to make finding, fully accessing, and “Knowing Your True Identity” enjoyable, easier, and very rewarding.
Gene Sloan

Soon to be Released
In Paperback
Book Description
25 short stories written as a series of letters from an impassioned father to his adult son, Paul, in a last attempt to heal their broken relationship after 8 years of estrangement. These stories-letters are both very personal and yet profoundly universal in nature and address the core issues that keep people apart — and that separate them from knowing who they really are, as Soul. They are filled with extraordinary insights, wisdom, truth, and love. And imbued with a depth of understanding of human nature and the Divine blueprint that is rarely articulated in such an engaging, entertaining, and clear manner. Many of the stories have humor, intrigue, flavor, and personality that will astound and inspire. Yet they are brimming with remarkable insights and approaches on how to quickly heal your emotional wounds by “Knowing Your True Identity”. This can free you from the constraints of ego, fears, judgments, negative beliefs and thinking, and self-limits — and allows you to be personally sovereign in your own life. The rewards are truly unlimited.
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Gene Sloan is a self-motivated searcher of Truth that has spent over 50 years studying and examining the Spiritual Laws inherent in a wide range of religious and spiritual teachings and practices. His passion to know the Truth and to learn, grow, and change from it, has propelled him to a depth of understanding that is uniquely broad, deep, and true — not only for his own personal and spiritual growth — but also to understand and resolve a lifelong perplexing question, “Why are people often so dysfunctional, mentally ill, unable to love others, or themselves?” His quest for Truth and his love for his son, Paul, has brought forth this wealth of stories-letters, insights, wisdom, and Truth, that is the culmination of a lifetime of searching.

Free yourself from the constraints of ego and your emotional wounds.
Author Gene Sloan

You can become free.
You can Know Your True Identity.
You can become liberated and personally sovereign.
My Reason for Writing the Book
I originally wrote these stories for my son, Paul, to heal our broken estranged relationship, but shortly after I started writing them, I realized that these stories have very universal truths in them that everyone can benefit from. They can free you from the constraints of ego and your emotional wounds. My purpose in writing this book is also “to present” the truth for those who are ready to learn something from it. I am not seeking to save the world, fix the world, or change the world. I am seeking to make the book, and concepts in it, available to as many people as possible who are ready to learn from it, in inspiring them to learn, grow, and change from it, and in giving them the tools to be happier, more productive, and far more creative.
These are just the opinions of someone. It’s up to you to find and know the Truth.